Feb 13, 2009

Traffic Building Tip - 1 for a Website

Traffic Tip - 1
Proper HTML Structure

This may sound very basic to many of you, But I'm amazed at how many people still do not ensure their pages have basic HTML components and tagging.
If you want engines to know what your webpage is about, the page tags are very important and should not be left out.
There are three HTML tags that every pag should have at the top of the page, right below the HEAD tag.
Title Tag
Meta Description Tag
Meta Keywords Tag

In each of these tags you should mention your keyword at least once and not more than twice. If you get too repetitive, the search engines ignore the page.

H1, H2, H3 tags are important too.
Many search engines also pay special attention to what you have in the header tags.
For example, The most important keyword for your page should be inside the H1 tag, the second most important in the H2 tag, and so on.

The H1 tag should be as close to your BODY tag as possible, then H2 and so on.

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