Feb 15, 2009

Traffic Building Tip - 3 for a Website

Submit Your Site to Major Search Engines

There are hundreds perhaps thousands of search engines out there on the web, but the reality is 90 to 95% of the web surfers use a handful of them.

Google, Live, Yahoo, AQL and ASK are the most popular right now, and they are all you really need to be concerned with at the moment.

Once you get listed in major search engines, you'll eventually show up in less important engines since many of them are portals of the most popular ones.

Where to Submit:
Google: Google Add Url
Yahoo : Yahoo Submit to Search
LIVE( formely MSN): Submit to LIVE

The Engines Love Content:
If you find that your site is not showing up in major engines, It is time to take a look at your content. How many pages are on your website? for example? you should have atleast 20 to 25 pages, as the engines love meaty sites --- particularly Google. The more content, the better.

Feb 13, 2009

Traffic Building Tip - 2 for a Website

Satisfy the Search Spiders
Sites like Google, Yahoo, AQL, MSN etc. can bring in tons of traffic to your site, so its important the search engine spiders and bots can read oyour pages.

A spider is a script the search engines send out to your page that collects information about your code, content, site popularity etc. Based on the information it collects it will determine your page rank for various keyword phrases.

Spiders Love HTML
Flash, Javascript and all other such fancy languages that make your site look "cool" may hinder the search engines from reading your content.
Even though engines like google are getting better at reading javascript code, it's still best to just use good HTML.

Get Rid of Frames
Search engine spiders cannot read content that sits inside frames. So if you use them, you are jeopardizing your search engine rankings.

Use keywords in hyperlinks
When you are linking to internal pages within your site, its a good idea to use the keywords that describe that page. Thsi may help that page rank higher for that phrase.
So if you are linking to a page about Skin Care, instead of saying "click here to view that page", it would be more useful to say, "Viw my article on skin care". Notice the inmportant phrase "Skin Care" is inside hyperlink.

Use keywords for your filenames
When naming your pages it's also important that you inclide your important keywords in the filename. Some search engines use these to help determine the page rank.
Using the skin care example again, you could name one of your pages, skin-care.html instead of page1.html. Its also important to seperate multiple word with a hiphen instead of runnign then together(skincare.html).

Traffic Building Tip - 1 for a Website

Traffic Tip - 1
Proper HTML Structure

This may sound very basic to many of you, But I'm amazed at how many people still do not ensure their pages have basic HTML components and tagging.
If you want engines to know what your webpage is about, the page tags are very important and should not be left out.
There are three HTML tags that every pag should have at the top of the page, right below the HEAD tag.
Title Tag
Meta Description Tag
Meta Keywords Tag

In each of these tags you should mention your keyword at least once and not more than twice. If you get too repetitive, the search engines ignore the page.

H1, H2, H3 tags are important too.
Many search engines also pay special attention to what you have in the header tags.
For example, The most important keyword for your page should be inside the H1 tag, the second most important in the H2 tag, and so on.

The H1 tag should be as close to your BODY tag as possible, then H2 and so on.

Feb 12, 2009

Ideas for Extending your Blog

As you work with blogs, most likely you'll get to know quite a bit more about HTML.

1. Play with the design
you don't need to use

heading 2

elements for each entry's data,for instance. Instead you could use the

heading 2

elements to give each entry a title and then you could put the data in bold right before the text.
2. Use thumbnails to link to bigger images.
3. Learn to use HTML tables
The HTML table elements can be used to create more structure on your page, both within individual entries and for overall layout on your blog page.
4. Learn CSS
Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) make it easier to change the overall look and feel of your blog - and, in fact, all the pages on your website. See CSS for Primer
5. Add static pages
6. Integrate your Blog into another site.
7. Consider using other Scripting tools.

What is a Weblog?

If you were to leave the definition completely to me, I would define weblog something like this : A weblog or blog is a website that's defined to be updated with items in a linear,time-based fashion, similar to a personal journal or diary, except that the contents are meant specifically for public consumption.

Probably the best indication of a weblog is its format. Common blogging software includes Blogger, Manila, Greymatter, Movable Typr, and pMachine.

How do Blogs build community?
Two elements work togethrt to make a successful website - updated content and tools for community. You may be able to create a community of readers - or atleast a following - simply by having something intersting to say or by appealing to a certain niche of users.

Feb 10, 2009

10 Online Business Ideas

A few Online Business Ideas to consider:

1. Promote affiliate programs onGoogle Adwords

2. Write a book

3. Publish your own ebook

4. Create a website about your favorite topic (or ANY topic), and
promote affiliate programs or use Google Adsense on your pages
Instead of a website, you can also start a blog and use affiliate
programs or Google Adsense to earn revenue.

5. Develop your own product

6. Telecommute / Freelance Writing Jobs

7. Join a Direct Sales company

8. Start your own service-based business (consulting, copywriting,
web design, accounting, desktop publishing, etc)
Start & moderate a discussion group, discussion forum or
membership site on a popular topic.

9. Medical Transcription

10. Sell on eBay

I hope you work with anyone of the above ideas an earn a great amount of money. The above programs are very simple and easy to implement. You can earn 1000's of dollars per month working with them. The best ideas among them is promoting affiliate programs on google adwords. example like projectpay day

Generate Traffic Through Google Analytics

Improve Your Website Results
Learn more about where your visitors come from and how they interact with your site. You'll get the information you need to write better ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives, and create higher-converting websites. Learn more about the benefits. Google Analytics is free to everyone, whether you are an advertiser, publisher, or site owner.

Test your website and increase conversions.
You can now use your Google Analytics login to access Website Optimizer. Find out which page designs, headlines, and graphics convert the most visitors.

Get Started

Feb 6, 2009

Google Adwords For Beginners

What is Google AdWords?
With Google AdWords, you can create and run ads for your business, quickly and simply. Run your ads on Google and our advertising network -- no matter what your budget, you'll only pay when people click your ads.

AdWords ads are displayed along with search results when someone searches Google using one of your keywords. That way, you'll be advertising to an audience that's already interested in your business. You can also choose to display your ads on content sites in the growing Google Network. And, you can choose the exact content placements where you'd like your ad to appear, or you can let contextual targeting match your keywords to content.

You can choose from a variety of ad formats, including text, image, audio, and video ads, and easily track your ad performance using the reports available in your account.

How it Works?
You create your ads
You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business.
Your ads appear on Google
When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. Now you're advertising to an audience that's already interested in you.
You attract customers
People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you. You don't even need a webpage to get started – Google will help you create one for free. It's that easy!

Reach More Customers
Expand your reach through the content network
With hundreds of thousands of high-quality websites, news pages, and blogs that partner with Google to display AdWords ads, the Google content network can reach users all over the web to help you drive conversions. Choose from text, image, and video formats to communicate your message.
Target the right user in the right context
Using your keywords, Google's contextual targeting technology can automatically match your ads to webpages in our content network that are most relevant to your business. For example, an ad for a digital camera may show up next to an article reviewing the latest digital cameras. If you want greater control, use placement targeting to hand-pick specific sites or sections of sites you want your ads to appear on.
Measure and optimize your results
With the Placement Performance Report, you have visibility into where all your ads appear. Review your ad's performance on a site-by-site basis to see impression, click, cost, and conversion data, and use this data to identify well-performing sites to target more aggressively and low-value placements that require content optimization or exclusion.

Costs and Payments
Concerned about costs? Don't worry – AdWords puts you in complete control of your spending.
Set your budget
There's no minimum spending requirement – the amount you pay for AdWords is up to you. You can, for instance, set a daily budget of five dollars and a maximum cost of ten cents for each click on your ad.
Avoid guesswork
We provide keyword traffic and cost estimates so you can make informed decisions about choosing keywords and maximizing your budget.
Pay only for results
You're charged only if someone clicks your ad, not when your ad is displayed.
Payment options vary by country and currency. Learn more

Feb 5, 2009

About Earn Ultimate Money Blog

Welcome to Earn Ultimate Money - a Blog that helps bloggers to generate income streams to their blogs.

My name is Sandeep Indukuri and I'm a graduate student upon the major of Computer Sciences. I’m a part time Blogger making a living from this new and dynamic medium from blogs.

Back in 2008 I looked upon an article about ‘Blogging’. I didn’t know it at the time but that moment changed my life. The moment I say that article, I started a new blog called Earn Ultimate Money

Within 24 hours of reading the article I had started designing my Blog - a personal blog where I’ve explored issues of earning money online and Blogging ever since. I learnt so much from the experience of that blog that I’ve since started many other blogs.

As my blog is growing in popularity and have begun to generate income. Blogging has grown from a hobby (some would say an obsession), to a part time job through to a fully fledged business in recent times. I have slowly built my blogging into a income source that has enabled me to dedicate more and more time to the medium to the point where I am currently a residual income stream blogger.

I hope you all support me in expanding my blogging profession, so that I can help you all to extract all the money making opportunities and ideas to earn a residual income.

If you would like to donate to my blog, Please donate here


Use the following form to contact Sandeep via email. Your email will be read but due to the large volumes of emails received a reply may not be prompt.

Please note that I am unable to respond to bloggers requesting me to review their individual blogs due to the large number of requests for such service and a severe lack of time. Also you might like to check out the Earn Ultimate Money FAQ page to see if your question has already been answered.

The best way to contact me is via email - but if it’s important you can also contact me via:


Sandeep Indukuri
11 centre ave,Apt #2
NJ - 07094
United States

email me at i.sandeep.var@gmail.com

Your Request wil be processed within 48 hours due to large volumes of emails to this email address.
Thank you for your patience.

Money Making E-books

Starting an e-book business was probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done. In truth, I just fell into the industry. I had an idea for a book, wasn’t impressed with the statistics of getting a book published in print and set out to see if I could sell an electronic version. To my surprise, I picked a topic that was in high demand and the rest was history.

Or so I’d like you to believe. The truth is that the success of the first e-book was more of a fluke than anything else. The second and third book I wrote, while selling a few copies a month, flopped in comparison. That’s when I knew it was time to get down and dirty—to research the industry, to ask questions, to test out a few ideas.

Eventually I found the winning formula and put it together in e-book form. While you can’t become a successful published author in 7 days, you can become a published author in 90 days and a successful one over time. The key is in the understanding.

Do you know how to make money selling e-books? Do you understand what e-books can do for you and your business? Are you ready to start writing and selling e-books today?

Then you need to understand how to write, create, sell, and distribute your very own e-book. You need to understand what makes a selling e-book and how to market that e-book. And that’s what I will teach you Making Money With E-books. Grab the book to generate traffic to your website.

Earn Ultimate Money

SEO is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines.

Optimizing a web site for search engines can require looking at so many unique elements that many practitioners of SEO (SEOs) consider themselves to be in the broad field of website optimization (since so many of those elements intertwine).

This e-book is designed to describe all areas of SEO - from discovery of the terms and phrases that will generate traffic, to making a site search engine friendly, to building the links and marketing the unique value of the site/organization's offerings.

Guest Bloggers - Post Your Article To Our Blog

I have been updating earnultimatemoney.blogspot.com with at least one new post per day, 6 to 10 posts per week. But I find that it is difficult to write and publish a new post every day for long term. So, I'm seeking your help.

I am now looking for guest writers to contribute content to this blog. Anyone can submit guest post for publication on this blog. As long as the post is relevant to the topics of earnultimatemoney.blogspot.com, I will accept and publish it here.

What You Gain By Writing To This Blog?
Free Backlinks
You links will be permanent in this blog. You choose what anchor text to link back to your site or blog. Google will know it and count as a quality backlink to your website or blog. So, it will help to improve your Google ranking.

What benefits I will gain publishing a guest post here?

Search Engine Traffic
You will get search engine (Google) traffic from our blog. Your guest post will be included an anchor text link and url to your website to attract traffic. You can place your links anywhere you want within your guest post. It can be in the content or in the author bio. It is all up to you.

The preferred topics are make money online, affiliate marketing, Internet marketing, online business, online freelancing, blogging, eBay business, e-commerce, AdSense, webmaster and any other topics that related to these field.

For the length of the guest post, I accept both long and short blog posts. If you are writing an article, an informative blog post or a how-to post, the preferred length is 450 words or more.

You can also write about a program that offers an opportunity of making money online. Share your experience and describe how the program has helped you. The preferred length for this type of post is 250 words or more. The program your are recommending must be real and legit. No paid to read, paid to surf and etc..

If you have released a free new e-book, guide or report, you may also recommend it here. But, make sure the free resource you suggest is related and offer at least some value to the visitors. The post should have at least 200 words.

If you are interested to submit a guest post, just send your post with your author bio and link details to:

I will published your post probably within 48 hours

Advertise on Earn Ultimate Money Blog

If you want to advertise a program, an opportunity, a website or a blog, our Earn Ultimate Money Blog is the place for you to do it. Your Ads must be related to money making programs through online.

Advertising Options

125 X 125 Banner Ad
Your banner ad will appear in the top right sidebar of the Blog. The visitors often attract to the banner ads in this location. Thus, your 125x125 banner ad can potentially attract good amount of traffic.
$70/month, $30 for 2 week trial (Available)

468 x 80 Banner Ad
The location for the 468 x 80 banner ad is at the top within the blog post area. This means it will always stay above the first blog post of earn ultimate money's homepage and each single blog post page. So each visitor comes to our blog will notice the banner ad.
$100/month, $45 for 1 week trial (Available)

Text Link
Your text link will appear in right sidebar just below the 125 x 125 banner ads. You will choose the anchor text you prefer.
$30/month (Available)

To order an ad space on http://earnultimatemoney.blogspot.com, please send your name, banner ad, link and PayPal payment to:


All ads will be live on http://earnultimatemoney.blogspot.com within 24 hours of receipt.

If you have question on any of the advertising options, please email me at:


I will reply you within 24 hours.

Feb 4, 2009

How to Advertise Your Blog ?

Everyday you update your blog. You write about your life and post it on your site. But no one reads them. Then you try writiting about latest technology and gadgets hoping that you will get some comments from readers on the next day but still, not many people comes to your site. But you still continue posting and updating your site everyday, every night. After some period, you realized that you need to promote and advertise your site but you don’t know how.

Here I will share with you some tips on how to promote and get more readers to your site. I’m no expert in site advertising or marketing but I have some little knowledge that I want to share with you. :d

Join bloggers forum

Join and participate in bloggers forum or portals. Introduce yourself and brief politely about your site. Tell them what your site is about. I’m sure in every bloggers forum, there is a section where you can promote or show off your blog. Post something there.

Describe your blog and invite them to visit. If the forum admin enable signature in post (usually it is enable), put your site link in your signature. That way, peoples can see your site link when you post or reply someone’s post on the forum.

Visit other blogs

You must start it first. Don’t wait people come to your site. Visit other member’s blog and drop them some comments about their blog posts. Don’t give comments say something like, “Hey, nice site!” or “I love your site. Cool!” but give comments that relate to their posts. If they read your comment, they also will visit back to your site.

Another way is, if your post same like other people post, trackback their post. I assume you know how to use trackback. :p

Submit to Blog Directory/Topsites

There are many blog directories in the Internet. Submit your site to as many blog directories as you can. Almost of them are free but some of them you need to put HTML code on your site before your site been listed in their directory.

And join topsites too. If your site is on top rank, there will be more peoples now about your site.

Signature in Email

Put your site link in your email signature. So each time you send or reply email, the receiver will see it. So they’ll know that you have a site and they will visit your site to see what your blog is about.

Join Exchange Link program

This program is a two way feedback. You put their site link on your site and they will put yours on their site. The system goes like that. Beside increase your page rank, it also can bring more peoples to your site.

Public Bookmarking

Submit your contents to any public book marking sites such del.icio.us or Furl, etc. There are many to list here. But make sure that you submit on specific topic or people will ignore it.

Submit to Search Engine

Submit your site link to popular search engine such as Google, Yahoo, etc. There are some sites that can submit your site to 20 search engines for free.

Ping your site

This is a must. Ping your site to Pingoat.com or Pingomatic.com each time you update your site. Both of them give the best ping-ing services.

Well, if you have make all these things I’m sure in one week or maybe less, you will have regular visitors that come to your site. But make sure you have good contents on your site or you will loose them one by one.

If you have any comments or want to add up your own tips, feel free to say it in the comment form. Well, thanks for your time and hope this helps!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fauzi_Mohd_Darus

Feb 3, 2009

Google Adwords Learning Center

AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main source of revenue ($16.4 billion in 2007). AdWords offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text and banner ads. The AdWords program includes local, national, and international distribution. Google's text advertisements are short, consisting of one title line and two content text lines. Image ads can be one of several different Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) standard sizes.

If you're an AdWords advertiser, Google Advertising Professional, or just interested in learning more about AdWords, you can use our free training to sharpen your AdWords knowledge. Google offers both multimedia and text lessons to match your preferred learning style. While lessons are organized to build upon previous ones, you can skip between topics and take them in any way you like. After each lesson, test your knowledge by taking a quiz. Because so much is covered, you probably can't complete training in one sitting (without the help of caffeine), so return often. Content is updated regularly to keep you current.

Do you want to learn more about Google Adwords? Go and click the below link to learn more about google adwords.
Google Adwords Learning Center

Google Adwords Support

Donate to Earn Money Online Blog

If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to Earn money Online blog, please use one of the options below. The amount you donate is entirely up to you.

Why donate? Sandeep wants to spend his time directly helping people by creating new blog posts, articles, and podcasts; by speaking to groups; and by conducting public experiments -- always with the primary intention of serving the highest good of all. If you want to support Sandeep in his mission to help people escape fear and live up to their true potential, please make a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.

To make a donation via PayPal, credit card, or e-check, please click the button below:

To send a donation via check, money order, or cash, please use the following mailing address:

Sandeep Indukuri
11 centre avenue, Apt #2
Secaucus, NJ-07094

Please make checks payable to "Sandeep Indukuri."

Thank you for your support and encouragement!

Amazon Associates - Affiliate Program

Amazon Associates Program

Amazon’s Associate Program is perhaps one of the most popular ones for bloggers because it is pretty simple to use and has such a wide range of products in their system ranging from books, to electronics, to jewelry, to CDs and DVDs etc. It’s also great because there are many tools that can be used to integrate it into your blog including WordPress Plug ins. Some bloggers even integrate Amazon stores into their blogs (something I need to get set up).

Another beauty of the Amazon program is the variety of ways that they give you to link to their products. Even using just their basic tools on the Associates page you have the option to link to products using text links, pictures, buttons and a variety of keyword triggered techniques.

I personally use Amazon’s program quite a bit on some of my blogs and find it quite effective. While my earnings from Amazon are far less than my Adsense income it’s a nice bonus each quarter (they pay every three months). This quarter (just over half way) my total is just over $900 (USD).

Amazon’s affiliate program pays out in either gift vouchers (to be spent in the store), cheque (check) or direct deposit (if you’re in the US).

Amazon Associates Program Pros:

massive array of products to choose from
reliable payment system
options for different payment types
reasonably easy to use
variety of linking tools
Amazon are fairly well regarded and trusted by consumers

Amazon Associates Program Cons:

only quarterly payments (many other programs are monthly)
commissions can be lower than some other programs (although they have an incentive/bonus program that increases the % when you sell certain targets)
incentive program can be a little complicated to understand
some of their buttons and link methods are a little dated
not great on some products internationally (ie while Amazon will send books and some products internationally some of the bigger ticket items will not be sent overseas. So if you have a non US readership you might have to also sign up for other Amazon affiliate programs (ie they also have a UK, Canadian, Japanese one etc this can get a little messy)).
I’ll share more tips to help maximise Amazon earnings later in this series - but in the mean time I’m sure others have a variety of experiences with Amazon and can shed some light on it as a program for us. Share your thoughts on the Amazon Affiliate program in comments below.

Sign up for the Amazon Affiliate Program here

Feb 2, 2009

Simple Ways to Advertize and Generate Traffic to your Website

Many internet marketers recognize that a membership site is a great way to bring in a comfortable and consistent income. So they find a great niche, set up their membership website and add great content, there is still one major step, getting members to join. At first glance, this often seems a bit overwhelming and is the point where membership site owners often get discouraged. Not knowing how to find members stop many online marketers even before they get started.

Fortunately, it is not too difficult to grow your membership base. As long as you understand that it may take some time. Don’t expect to fill up your site overnight. Instead, shoot for a couple of new members a day. Overtime, you will be able to draw a pretty good income. Below, are some simple ways to advertise:

Start An Affiliate Program: One very effective way to grow your membership website is to offer people (members and non-members) the ability to earn money by getting other people to join. Think about it. If your monthly fee is $29, offering individuals 50% or $14.50 each month for every new member that they sign up would be very enticing. If you get the right affiliates, you may not have to do much advertising at all.

Hang Out Where Your Potential Members Are: Spending time at the same places that people who might be interested in joining your membership site is a really good way to get members. This might include forums and social networking websites.

Try Adwords
: Depending on what niche you are targeting, Adwords may be a great way to get the word out about your site and to get new members. Make sure that you carefully target your audience so that you don’t waste your money and time.

Write Press Releases: Press releases are another excellent way to advertise your membership website. There are a few fairly good options and some excellent paid ones. If you don’t know where to begin, consider Prweb.com. If you optimize your website and choose good keywords, you can get some good rankings for both your sales page and your release.

Forum Marketing: Once you figure out where your target audience spends their time online, it is time to go to them. Often times, forums are a great place to find people that will be interested in your offer. If the forum allows, make a post advertising your membership site. If they do not allow blatant advertising, then create a signature link ad.

Social Networking Websites: Social networking websites are another fantastic, advertising option. Find one that caters to your niche and then create short articles or blurbs that would interest them so that they click onto your website. After you get them there, it is up to you to sell your product. Consider, giving them a few free days or a free report so that they have some idea of the quality of content that you are offering.

Five Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

When you blog for money you need to create your own content (and lots of it!), implement advertisement programs like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks, and last but not least – you need traffic.

In our offline lives we dread it, but online we embrace it. I want to give you 5 ways to start driving traffic to your blog today. With a little time and patience, you will slowly start to increase your viewer ship.

5.) Post comments on other blogs.

Blogs are everywhere – there’s certainly not a shortage of them. You should have no problem finding other bloggers in your niche that are popular and interesting. Bookmark those that you like, follow their topics daily, and if you find something that sparks your interest – comment.

Become a participating voice in the community. The more interesting your comments are, the more likely your peers will follow you to your blog. And who knows – you might stand out among the crowd and be recognized by the author, which can spin off into better opportunities.

4.) Register with blog networks like: Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog

It’s important that you get your blog out there for others to see. You can start the process by submitting to search engines, but that’s just the beginning. Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog are just a few of the high profile blog networks on the web. Register with them, network with other people in your releated area, and get your word out.

When you register with these services remember a couple of things:

1.) Create a detailed profile. Let people know a little bit about you and draw them in. Without that personal interaction people may flee quickly.

2.) Tag your blog properly. Tags are very important – they’re usually one or two word descriptions of your blog. So for example my blog would fall under categories like: Money, Business, and Finance. Dig around the specific service and look for popular tags and try to use those for your blog. It allows people who are interested in these topics to easily find your site.

3.) Register with several forums.

Do a Google search for forums that are related to your niche and register. Try to be an active voice in the community. People will flock to you if you’re interesting. Not only that but it allows you to find out what others are doing and what makes them appealing.

When you register with a forum, make sure to fill out the profile, similar to the blogging services. And equally as important – make a signature that is a direct link to your blog. Your signature is shown in every post that you make – helping you gain visibility. This is all the more reason to create thought provoking discussions.

2.) Social Bookmarking and Article Submission.

Social networking, bookmarking, and article submissions are all the rage today – don’t let it pass you by. Some of the major networks include delicious, Furl, and of course, Digg. These sites will allow you to tag, bookmark, and submit articles that you think are interesting. What’s more interesting than your own work? People should know about it so go spread the word.

1.) StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon really falls into tip #2, but I decided to break it away from the pack because it provides quicker results. Like the rest of the social networking sites, you create a profile and network with others. But what makes StumbleUpon so darn unique, is that you can “stumble” thousands of sites that you’re interested in by the click of a button. So what does that mean for you? Well, you can stumble your own site. By doing this you get into the Stumble rotation, and any people that you network with can stumble across it as well.

In my experience StumbleUpon can bring great surges of traffic for short periods of time. Due to the nature of the service, you’re likely to get overlooked more than not; however, those that do stop – tend to stay. And if they like the site, they can rate it and review it for all the friends in their network to see. Are you getting the picture here? Your viewer ship has the potential to explode!

As with most things in life, there’s no silver bullet for getting traffic. It takes a lot of research, careful planning, networking, patience, and time. If you have what it takes and start using my recommendations, you will definitely start to see an increase. Hopefully that increase in traffic will help you blog for money.

Where Sholud I Place my Adsense ?

In Placing AdSense on Your Blog you learned how easy it was to get your Blogger blog up and running with Google AdSense. Assuming (you know what they say about that) you explored a little, you discovered that moving AdSense sections around your layout is like taking candy from a baby.

But where do you put AdSense!?! Can we just slap it in any old place we like?

Well, you could. And if you’re lucky you might get some clicks by blindly placing AdSense anywhere on your page. But our purpose is to make money from AdSense, so we need to optimize the best we can. Luckily for us, the nice folks at Google have given us a diagram that does just this – optimize.

Google has labeled this their “Heat Map”, and the darker the colors the better the placement. As you can see the best areas for ad placement happen above what’s known as “The Fold”. The fold is the viewing area that is first seen when a user visits your site. Typically this will include the header, navigation system, and some of your content. Therefore you DO NOT want to place your ads in the footer as it’s unlikely your audience will click on those. What you want to do is place the AdSense near rich content areas that readers are going to be drawn to. In most cases (as shown in the picture) this will be near the header, navigation, and content.

Think about it - If you were going to have a garage sale, would you put the garage sale signs in your backyard? Well not if you want to make some money off your 1980’s Prince albums. No, most likely you’re going to strategically place them around your neighborhood; in areas where you will get the most views. Google AdSense placement is no different. You need to carefully pick your spots in a way that will: 1.) Be viewable to the user and 2.) Not be overly distracting. In future articles I’ll talk about how you can further optimize your AdSense, but for now understanding the hot zones is crucial.

Integrating your Blog with Adsense

Let's do a quick recap up to this point in case you have some catching up to do.

1.) Do you know what AdSense is?
2.) Are you familiar with the terms: blogging and bloggers?
3.) Have you successfully setup your very own blog with the Blogger service?
4.) Do you have an understanding of Google's Terms of Service so your account doesn't get banned?

If you answered no to any of those questions, simply follow the link to my post explaining in more detail before you continue on. Otherwise, it's time to put AdSense on our blog and start making money (with some patience, of course)!

The great thing about Blogger is it makes it dead simple to get started. First, head over to Blogger and log into your account. When you do that, it should automatically bring you to your “Dashboard”.

To get started, simply click on the “Layout” link on the bottom right of your Dashboard summary.

What you're seeing here is a high level breakdown of your web design. Most sites (like my own) are composed of a header, menu, content, and a footer (not shown in my picture). To get AdSense up and running on your blog, click any of the dotted areas that are labeled: “Add a Page Element”.

Once you do that, you'll get a pop up (make sure any anti-pop up software is disabled) with many options to choose from. From here, click on the AdSense section button: “Add To Blog”. The icon is marked with dollar bills (Oh yeah!).

We're almost home...

Now you have a screen that let's you choose format options and colors. It even gives us a nice little preview to save us time later on! We'll dissect these options more in future articles, but for now keep the defaults.

Hit the “Save Changes” on the AdSense window - it should close automatically. At this point you are all set! You can click on the “Preview” button on the original page to view your changes or simply refresh your blog. You also have the ability to move the AdSense up or down - or move it to a completely different page element altogether! (Just make sure you preview your changes before you save)

I wasn't lying when I said you don't have to be a web guru to get this setup, was I? Now you have the tools setup to pull in some extra revenue (hopefully a steady stream). Well, not quite. This isn't a get-rich-quick-scheme. It's going to take some time, patience and hard work (I saw you roll your eyes). Nothing comes easy, but if you stick around we can get there together.

What is RSS ?

Making money to blog requires a vast array of knowledge. Of course you need a blog to get started, and then you’ll integrate some ad services like AdSense and WidgetBucks. These ad services will help us generate money with our blogs, but without the readers there is no money. RSS plays a big role in building our fan base.

(Here's my feed if you would like to subscribe now)

Ok great, so what exactly does RSS stand for and why should I care?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. When you create a new post with Blogger it publishes a new RSS “feed”, which is simply a stripped down version of your website. It contains the basic text and any images you display.

I don’t get it. What’s so good about a stripped down version of my site?

In today’s ADD, news-hungry society, RSS has exploded in popularity. People want as much information as they can get their hands on, with as little effort as possible.

With RSS comes “Feed readers” like Google Reader. These applications allow readers to “consume” or subscribe to your sites feed. When you post a new article, the user is alerted. The great thing about these feed readers or RSS readers is that they provide a quick list of your article subjects. So instead of being overwhelmed with a page load of content, they can simply scan for subjects that interest them and then drill down further if they wish.

I’m starting to get this RSS thing… but maybe you can create some analogy for me to make it clearer?

Boy you sure do ask for a lot. Ok – here goes: Let’s say you go to the store and purchase a magazine on computer software. Chances are good that you will flip open a page and have a subscription card fall on to your lap. For this example, let’s pretend it’s a subscription to the latest Microsoft news. Well, if you like Microsoft and you care about their news (I’m an Apple guy by the way) you’ll fill out their card, write a check and send it off in the mail. Now the first of every month – you’ll get a brand new magazine from Microsoft and learn about their many failed attempts to beat Apples’ iPod with their Zune (sorry, I just had to throw that in there). And of course if you get tired or the same ol’ same ol’, you can cancel at any time.

RSS is the same way (Minus the paid subscriptions, thankfully). If you run across a site that you find interesting, you can simply subscribe to that sites feed and you’ll be alerted to anything new coming from there. And of course, you can cancel the site feed at any time.

This was an introduction to RSS. In future articles I will discuss ways we can present an RSS feed for our users to consume. In the meantime, digest this information, because RSS is something you need to know about if you’re going to be a serious blogger.

How to Create a Blog?

Google's AdSense sounds interesting to you. You like the idea of legitimately making money online with advertisements. You even went so far as to read my last post: Getting Started with Blogging! But you have no idea how to get setup - until now.

I do Web Consulting for a living (no, I'm not a full-time blogger… yet). I'd say on a scale of 1-10 of web knowledge I'm probably near a 9, maybe a 9.1. But guess what? You don't have to know squat about web design or web programming. Of course you'll have to learn some web terminology along the way but you can start at ground zero today. The great thing about blogging and potentially earning money with AdSense is that you don't have to be a web guru.

I repeat: you do not have to be a web guru to start a blog and use AdSense.

There is a wide range of blogging tools out there. Some free, some not. If you haven't noticed, I'm using a tool called: Blogger. Before this I had experimented with Typepad and even created my own (this was a few years ago when the term “Blog” wasn't exactly a household name).

Why Blogger? Well for a few reasons: 1.) It's Free! 2.) It's a breeze to setup and 3.) Google owns it. Yeah, the same Google that's helping us earn money through their AdSense program - A perfect marriage indeed.

Ok, so you have your blog topic (or maybe not but you will soon…right?) I'm going to get you hooked up to the service in no more than 10 minutes (times will vary for animals and small children). At the end of this you'll be ready to start writing up some content, free of charge.

1.) Go to Blogger and sign in with your Google account. If you don't use any Google services like Gmail you can create a new account.

2.) Click on the “Create Your Blog Now” button arrow on the bottom right and fill in the information.

3.) Name your blog and give it an address. Make sure the name is meaningful and not too long.

4.) Choose from one of the many templates available.

5.) Your blog has been created!

Now wasn't that painless? In a matter of minutes you have reserved some real estate on the Internet.

I would suggest doing some exploring on your own at this point. Get a sense of the tools available to you and I'll go into further detail in the near future. Have fun!

What is a Blog?

So you’re interested in making money with AdSense? Well join the club. But before we get to the good stuff, we have to build the foundation. Chances are good that if you’re reading this you know what blogs are and how to create them. Good for you! You’re on the fast track to getting started with AdSense. But patience grasshoppa, we must help those who don’t even know what blogging is.

Here’s the definition of a blog from Wikipedia:

“A blog (a portmanteau of web log) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.”

A blog is basically an online diary - A journal written by an author, about the author and/or the author’s interests. The great thing about a blog is there are no boundaries whatsoever. You can blog about your dog, cat, career, relationships, car, favorite ice cream, etc, etc. You have total control to be as creative as your heart desires!

The important thing about this journey is that you blog about something that matters to you. Different people have different interests and you’re no exception. Chances are good that others just like you are ready to delve into your material because they have similar tastes. Don’t hesitate to write about something you’re passionate about - just do it! (like Nike)

If you interested in learning more about blogs and blogging, check out the wikipedia page.

Jan 27, 2009

Earn Money with PayPal - Turn $3 into $46,875

This process takes only 15 to 30 minutes of your time. Imagine earning $46,875 by spending only 30 minutes. This is genuine and legal program. keep reading.


Ok, if you're not already a PayPal user, the very first thing you need to do is use the PayPal link below and SIGN UP. It takes two minutes!

Here is the URL http://www.paypal.com/us/mrb/pal=AE6WQBRHJTXF2

Be sure to use this link so you can sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account. You'll need to have a PREMIER or BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.

It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive. So the first thing to do when you have your Premier/Business PayPal account is to IMMEDIATELY send a $3 payment from your PayPal account to the FIRST email address in the list below, along with a note saying: " Please add me to your mailing list." Be certain to add this note, as this is what KEEPS THIS PROGRAM LEGAL. Instructions on how to send a payment are under "SEND MONEY" at the Paypal Site. It's so Easy!!

When you send your $3 payment to the first address in the list, do it with a great big smile on your face because.. "as you sow, so shall you reap!"
Here's the current list:

(1) vitaguzman@yahoo.com
(2) jaslb25@yahoo.com
(4) pklsgmt@yahoo.com
(5) leebob7878@btinternet.com
(6) moneytoome@gmail.com

After you have transferred a $3 payment to the email address at the top of the list, something very eerie happens. It gives you an indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty, belief and conviction in the system. You have just proved to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great number of other people ready to do exactly the same. Thus you have now seen for yourself, first hand, that this business actually works!

Once you've sent a $3 payment to the address at the top of the list (along with your note - this is VERY important!), the next thing you need to do is copy all this text onto a email message, as you'll be sending it out to at least 40 people.
VERY IMPORTANT - The copy that you will send out will contain YOUR unique PayPal referral URL and YOUR email address at number 6 in the list – having deleted the address at Number 1 in the list, and moving the others up a position.

The first thing to edit are the email addresses in the list above. Delete the top email address, and then move the others up a position, and then add YOUR email address to the bottom of the list (the number 6 position). Be sure to use your email address that is associated with your PayPal account. But DO NOT forget to send $3 via PayPal (along with your note!) to the email address at position number 1 before deleting it!
Don't be tempted to add your name to position 1 in order to earn money fast! It doesn't work like that! If you do that, you will ONLY reach the people you directly send emails to, and then your name will be immediately removed from the No.1 place and you won't reach thousands of people! But, if you add your name to the Number 6 position, there will be literally thousands of people receiving and sending email's later - when your name is at the Number 1 spot!!!
Now you need to edit the PayPal referring URL (shown above in Step 1) with your own PayPal referring URL. You can find YOUR referring URL at Paypal after you join. Just look at the bottom of the first page once you sign into Paypal, and click on the "referrals" link. You will be given a referring URL similar to the one above, except the code number at the end will be
different. Simply delete the current PayPal referral URL in Step 1 above, and replace it with your PayPal referral URL.
Once you've edited your email message as outlined above, send out a minimum of 40 copies of this email. You can advertise it any way you want but NO SPAM!!!

Let's assume that only 5 people do the plan from the emails that you send, and in turn they each get only 5 people to do the plan etc, here is the amount of people that will send $3 to your Paypal address in the number 1 spot:
(Your Paypal address in Number 6 postion) = 5 responses.
(Your Paypal address in Number 5 postion) 5 x 5 = 25 responses.
(Your Paypal address in Number 4 postion) 5 x 25 = 125 responses.
(Your Paypal address in Number 3 postion) 5 x 125 = 625 responses.
(Your Paypal address in Number 2 postion) 5 x 625 = 3,125 responses.
(Your Paypal address in Number 1 postion) 5 x 3,125 = 15,625 payments
of $3 each to your Paypal account.
That is a massive $46,875 into your Paypal account for only a $3 initial payment.
And that's based on only 5 people responding to the plan. Imagine if 10 people responded!!!

Jan 12, 2009

Sell Resell Right Products

Take a look on the internet and you will find that there are a number of giveaway
websites that give away products with free resell rights which you can then sell from your
website. There are products available on virtually every topic imaginable and you can
pick and choose your niche and then choose resell rights products to fill that niche.
In order to sell resell rights products effectively you should begin by determining where
your interests lie as well as where these interests overlap with a hungry market. Use
keyword research tools and other market research methods to find a good market and
then look for products within this niche.
One important thing to remember when selling resell rights products is to create your
own sales pages for these products. Many resell rights products come with sales pages
already made for you but the problem is that many other resellers will be using these
pages as well and you need something which helps you to stand out from the competition.
You should also create your own list for email marketing and use as many other
marketing techniques as possible to promote your products. Get to know the products you
are selling, read the e-books yourself and use the software so that when people ask
questions you will be able to answer them.
Take a look on Google or another search engine of your choice for giveaway websites
that offer free resell rights products to start your resell rights business.

SFI Affilaite Programs

A free affiliate program I recommend is the SFI Affiliate program, or more
correctly, their affiliate programs as there are many different products that you can choose
from with their own commission structures, marketing tools and more.
What I appreciate about the SFI affiliate program is the large variety of different
businesses available within this one business. You could choose to offer coupons through
Nice Offers, or sell memberships to the Association of Home Based Business
Entrepreneurs, sell health products or telecommunication products. You choose which
products apply to the target market you are aiming at and then promote those products, or
you can promote all of them.
If you decide to promote a number of different SFI programs then you should promote
them on different pages so that you can focus on the benefits of each one individually and
not allow your visitors to get distracted by other programs.
SFI has a good reputation and is well known online and they also offer many resources
for their affiliates to promote them both online and offline which you should take
advantage of.
It is difficult to talk about their commission structure because it differs widely depending
on the product you are promoting or whether you are promoting a number of products.
Take a look at each of the programs for yourself and their different structures to see
which one you want to promote.
You can sign up for the SFI affiliate program at

The Science of Getting Rich Affiliate Program

The Science of Getting Rich was a book written in 1910 by Wallace Wattles that has
recently gained a lot of popularity as a means of helping people to change their lives for
the better by following a few basic principles.
Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Dr Michael Beckwith who all starred in “The Secret”
have now come out with a program based on this book where they offer a lot of useful
tools for people who want to implement these principles in their lives.
You can join their affiliate program for free, or pay for more benefits, and receive $500
on each sale you make or $250 on each sale that your personal referrals make. This is a
nice high commission though the product itself is a very high ticket item at just under
I would recommend signing up for the free affiliate program to begin with and using as
many marketing methods as you can to promote it. Also make sure you get your own
website to help with the promotion of the program as this is always beneficial when it
comes to affiliate marketing. I have just used my MBuchanan.net/recommends website to
promote this program online (where I promote many other products) as most of my other
websites I want to keep predominantly to free content.
Optimize your page advertising this program for the search engines and also use PPC
advertising to promote it and article marketing. There are many people interested in this
topic and although you may make less sales than if it was available at a lower cost the
high commission figures you receive will make it worthwhile once you do start bringing
in sales.
In order to sign up with the Science of Getting Rich program as an affiliate visit

Jan 10, 2009

Adsense tips and tricks

I’ve been reading a few forums and blogs about Google Adsense tips lately, and thought it would be helpful to consolidate as many as possible in one place without the comments. I’ve also thrown in a few tips of my own. We start out with some of the basic general stuff and move to the more specific topics later on.

Build an Empire?
When you’re deciding to become a website publisher you will fall into one of two broad categories:

Publish 100 websites that each earn $1 a day profit
Publish 1 website that earns $100 a day profit
The reality of it is, most people end up somewhere in between. Having 100 websites leaves you with maintenance, management and content issues. Having one website leaves you open to all sort of fluctuations (search engines algorithm’s, market trends, etc). You can adapt your plan on the way, but you’ll have an easier time if you start out going in the direction of where you want to end up.

General or Niche
You can build your website around general topics or niche ones. Generally speaking niche websites work better with adsense. First off the ad targeting is much better. Secondly as you have a narrow focus your writing naturally becomes more expert in nature. Hopefully this makes you more authority in your field.

If this is your first try at building an adsense website, make it about something you enjoy. It will make the process much easier and less painful to accomplish. You should however make sure that your topic has enough of an ad inventory and the payout is at a level you are comfortable with. You may love medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for that subject is very small (in fact it’s currently zero).

Once you’ve gotten the hang of how Adsense works on a website, you are going to want to dabble in some high paying keywords, you may even be tempted to buy a high paying keyword list. This does come with some dangers. First off the level of fraud is much higher on the big money terms. Secondly there is a distortion of the supply and demand relationship for these terms. Everyone wants ads on their website that make $35 or more a click, however the number of advertisers who are willing to pay that much is pretty limited. Additionally the competition for that traffic is going to be stiff. So, don’t try to run with the big dogs if you can’t keep up. If you have to ask if you’re a big dog, then chances are, you’re not. I have used a high dollar keywords report from cashkeywords.com and was pleased with my results (see cash keywords free offer recap).

New Sites, Files and Maintenance
When you’re building a new site don’t put adsense on it until it’s finished. In fact I’d go even farther and say don’t put adsense on it until you have built inbound links and started getting traffic. If you put up a website with “lorem ipsum” dummy or placeholder text, your adsense ads will almost certainly be off topic. This is often true for new files on existing websites, especially if the topic is new or different. It may take days or weeks for google’s media bot to come back to your page and get the ads properly targeted. TIP: If you start getting lots of traffic from a variety of IP’s you will speed this process up dramatically.

I like to build my sites using include files. I put the header, footer and navigation in common files. It makes it much easier to maintain and manage. I also like to put my adsense code in include files. If I want/need to change my adsense code, it’s only one file I have to work with. TIP: I also use programming to turn the adsense on or off. I can change one global variable to true or false and my adsense ads will appear or disappear.

Managing URL’s and channels
Adsense channels is one area where it’s really easy to go overboard with stats. You can set up URL channels to compare how one website is doing to another. You can also set up sub channels for each URL. If you wanted to you do something channels like this:

domain1.com - 728 banner
domain1.com - 336 block
domain1.com - text link
domain2.com - 728 banner
domain2.com - image banner
domain2.com - 336 block
domain3.com - 300 block
While this is great for testing and knowing who clicks where and why, it makes your reporting a little wonky. Your total number will always be correct but when you look at your reports with a channel break down things will get displayed multiple times and not add up to correct total. Makes things pretty confusing, so decide if you really need/want that level of reporting detail. TIP: At the very least you want to know what URL is generating the income so be sure to enter distinct URL channels.

Site Design and Integration

Once you know you are going to put adsense on your website you’re going to have to consider where to put it. If this is new site it’s easier, if it’s an existing site it’s more difficult. While there are some people who will be able to do it, in most cases I’d say if you just slap the adsense code in, you’ll end up with a frankensite monster (props to Tedster of WMW for the buzzword). While every website is different, Google has published some heat maps showing the optimal locations. No surprise that the best spots are middle of the page and left hand side. Now I’ve done really well by placing it on the right, but you should know why you’re doing it that way before hand, and be prepared to change it if it doesn’t work out.

Google has also has published a list of the highest performing ad sizes:

336×280 large rectangle
300×250 inline rectangle
160×600 wide skyscraper
From the sites that I run, I do really well with the 336 rectangle and 160 skyscraper. My next best performing ad size is the 728 leaderboard, I don’t really use the 300 inline rectangle too often. So really it depends on how well you integrate these into your site. Placement can have a dramatic effect on performance. TIP: When working on a new site or new layout you may want to give each location it’s own channel for a little while until you understand the users behavior.

Another ‘trick’ that can increase your CTR is by blending your adsense into your body copy. For example if your body copy is black, remove the adsense border and make the title, text, and URL black.TIP: Try changing all of your page hyperlinks to a high contrast color (like dark red or a bold blue) then change the adsense title to the same color.

The one area where I’ve found blended ads don’t perform as well is forums, especially ones with a high volume of repeat members. Regular visitors develop banner blindness pretty quickly. One ‘trick’ to keep the ads from being ignored is to randomize the color and even the placement. As with any of the decisions about location, placement and color it’s a trade off. How much do you emphasize the ads without annoying your visitors. Remember it’s better to have a 1% CTR with 500 regular visitors as opposed to a 5% CTR with 50 visitors. TIP: For forums try placing the adsense ads directly above or below the the first forum thread.

Using Images
One of the latest ’secrets’ to make the rounds is using images placed directly above or below an adsense leaderboard. This has been used for a while but came out in a digital point forum thread where a member talked about quadrupling their CTR. Basically you set up the adsense code in a table with four images that line up directly with the ads. Whether or not this is deceptive is fuzzy and very subjective. Obviously four blinking arrows would be ‘enticing people to click’ and be against the adsense TOS. However placing pictures of 4 laptops over laptops ads isn’t, so use your best judgment here and look at it from the advertiser or Google’s perspective. If you have a question as to your implementation being ‘over the line’ write to adsense and ask them to take a look.

As far as using the images, I’ve done it and can tell you it definitely works. You get the best results when the images ‘complete the story the ads are telling’. For example if you have ads about apple pies, use pictures of freshly baked apple pies, instead of granny smith, Macintosh, pink lady, and braeburn apples. TIP: Don’t limit yourself to using images only on that size ad unit, it works just as well with the other sizes, like the 336 rectangle.

I got a little criticizm for this and rightly so, as I wasn’t specific as I could have been. Do not use very identifiable brand name or products for your images. Use generic non-specific stock images whenever possible and appropriate.

Multiple Ad Units
Another way to increase ad revenue is to use multiple ad units. According to Google’s TOS you are allowed to post up to three ad units per page. Similar to standard search results the highest paying ad units will be served first and the lowest being served last. If there is enough of an ad inventory, place all three ad units. However you should pay attention to the payouts. Current assumption is you get 60% of the revenue (on a $0.05 click you get $0.03). So if a click from the third ad unit is only paying between 3 to 5 cents you may want to omit it from your page. This is one are where giving your ad units channels does have value. If one ad unit is getting a higher percentage of click throughs you’ll want to make sure the highest paying ads are being served there. TIP:Use CSS positioning to get your highest paying ads serving in the location with the highest CTR.

Adsense in RSS
With the growth of blogs and RSS feeds you’re starting to see adsense included in the feeds now. IMHO this doesn’t work, and here’s why:

You only get to place one ad unit.
You have no control over finding the ’sweet spot’ for the ad unit.
The ads are usually poorly targeted (this is getting better).
People develop ‘banner blindness’.
I know people like being able to read full postings in their feed reader, and there are at least a dozen other reasons for full posts from pleasing your users to mobile offline computing, all of which are completely valid. However if your website depends on generating adsense revenue to survive, then bring them to the site and show them the ads there.

Affiliate Sites
Placing Adsense on affiliate sites is tricky. Are you giving up a $10, $20, or $30 sale for a $1 click? This is something you have to test on your own to figure out. If you aren’t converting now it’s definitely worth a try. I like to use adsense on my article pages. For example let’s say you had an affiliate website where you sold shoes. You’re going to need some related articles to ‘flesh out’ the site. Things like ‘getting a shoe shine’ or ‘finding a shoe repair shop’ these are excellent spots for adsense. While you won’t get rich, they will usually provide a small steady income and cover things like hosting costs.TIP: If you find you have pages getting more than 50 clicks per month add more pages about this topic, and link the pages together. Mine you logs for the search terms used.

PPC Arbitrage
This is a dicey subject so I’m going to steer clear of precise examples. Basically you bid on low volume uber niche terms at a very low cost. You set up landing page that contains high payout ads for the related general topic. You are looking for terms with a large gap between the price you are bidding on adwords and the price you are getting on Adsense. If you pay $0.10 a click and get $1.00 a click you make $0.90 each click. To get your adsense ad approved you will need to ‘add some value’ along the way. You can make a killing or get taken to the cleaners with this one, so make sure you know what you are doing before you try it.

Have any other adsense tips, tricks or secrets? Drop me an email and let me know, I’ll give you credit.

728 leaderboard works very well if it is just above the end of the
“above the fold” area on what would be considered your viewers average
resolution/browser window size if there are few other enticing links
above the fold. Makes for an interesting layout but if you’re building
a site for AdSense it may be worth it. We consistently receive very
high CTRs from doing this.

Try to build sites that allow you to quickly try any and all of
those locations outlined in the heatmap guide or at least allow you a
wide degree of freedom to easily change ad/content locations.

How to Rank #1 in Google ?

It is not hard to be barking up the wrong tree when it comes to getting search engine traffic because there is so much out of date information being circulated.
That is why it is always best to also learn many other traffic generation methods like viral marketing for example.

Not only is there out of date or invalid SEO advice getting around, there is also information which if acted upon, can result in your pages being banned.

The SEO tips below should assist the reader in forming a basic understanding of how to create human friendly web pages which are easily understood by the most popular search engines.

Know this. There are thousands of search engines but only two of them will bring you most of the traffic. They are google and yahoo. Another search engine that brings me a little traffic is msn but I do not focus too much on tactics for that engine.

Focus your attention on the engines that will bring you the most visitors first and work your way down.

Basic Search Engine Optimization

1. Insert keywords within the title tag so that search engine robots will know what your page is about. The title tag is located right at the top of your document within the head tags. Inserting a keyword or key phrase will greatly improve your chances of bringing targeted traffic to your site.

Make sure that the title tag contains text which a human can relate to. The text within the title tag is what shows up in a search result. Treat it like a headline.

2. Use the same keywords as anchor text to link to the page from different pages on your site. This is especially useful if your site contains many pages. The more keywords that link to a specific page the better.

3. Make sure that the text within the title tag is also within the body of the page. It is unwise to have keywords in the title tag which are not contained within the body of the page.

Adding the exact same text for your h1 tag will tell the reader who clicks on your page from a search engine result that they have clicked on the correct link and have arrived at the page where they intended to visit. Robots like this too because now there is a relation between the title of your page and the headline.

Also, sprinkle your keywords throughout your article. The most important keywords can be bolded or colored in red. A good place to do this is once or twice in the body at the top of your article and in the sub-headings.

4. Do not use the exact same title tag on every page on your website. Search engine robots might determine that all your pages are the same if all your title tags are the same. If this happens, your pages might not get indexed.

I always use the headline of my pages as the title tag to help the robots know exactly what my page is about. A good place to insert the headline is within the h1 tag. So the headline is the same as the title tag text.

5. Do not spam the description or keyword meta tag by stuffing meaningless keywords or even spend too much time on this tag. SEO pros all agree that these tags are not as important today as they once were. I just place my headline once within the keywords and description tags.

6. Do not link to link-farms or other search engine unfriendly neighborhoods.

7. Do not use doorway pages. Doorway pages are designed for robots only, not humans. Search engines like to index human friendly pages which contain content which is relevant to the search.

8. Title tags for text links. Insert the title tag within the HTML of your text link to add weight to the link and the page where the link resides. This is like the alt tag for images.

My site contains navigation menus on the left and right of the page. The menu consists of links not images. When you hover over the link with your mouse, the title of the link appears. View the source of this page to see how to add this tag to your links.

9. Describe your images with the use of the alt tag. This will help search engines that index images to find your pages and will also help readers who use text only web browsers.

10. Submit to the search engines yourself. Do not use a submission service or submission software. Doing so could get your site penalized or even banned.

Jan 9, 2009

How to Generate 4 Figure Income Using Blogs?

Blogging is one of the most seek topics right now on the internet. Many people are trying to make money from their blog and there are actually a lot of people who had made a living from their blog. If you are looking for ways how you can generate income from your blog, this is the right article for you.

One of the common reasons most people fail to make money from their blog is that they are not committed to their blogging business and they treat it as a hobby. If you treat it like a hobby, you will be earning hobby kind of income. So put in 100% commitment before you start to build your 4-figure blog.

Here are some guidelines that can make your blog a 4-figure income blog if you follow through...

1. Always start from valuable and useful content. The content in your blog is the heart of your blog. Without content, nobody will visit your blog and you will never make any money this way. Valuable and useful content is what people are looking for. The number one reason people in your market visit your blog is because of the content you provide.

2. Traffic generation for blog is not a complicated process, but it requires consistent of work. For example, you should develop the habit of leaving comments on other blogs in your market everyday in order to build back link and your visibility in your market. Of course this is just an example. There are many ways how you can generate traffic. As long as you are willing to take action and be consistent, traffic generation will be an easy task.

3. Monetization of your blog comes only after you have both content and traffic. If you focus on monetization in the beginning and you don't have valuable content in your blog, it is hard for you to make money especially for affiliate sales. Monetizing your blog is the easiest step but it is the final step in building a 4-figure income blog. It is the content and traffic that you have in your blog that determine your income.

These are the 3 guidelines how you can generate a 4-figure online income from your blog. Remember, you need to have valuable content and traffic before you can make money from your blog. This is where most people made their mistake so learn from this and don't repeat it in your life.

What are the Best Online Income Opportunities?

1.Affiliate Programs

An affiliate program is an opportunity for anyone to make money online without any experience. When you become an affiliate, you are simply promoting one or more products or services. When sales are made because of your promotions, then you earn income in the form of commissions.

Affiliate marketing is primarily an online income opportunity, but it can be done offline too if you'd like. It's quick and easy to get started with online though, and there are many different ways to earn an online income with affiliate marketing.

Some affiliates earn their online income by simply putting advertisements up on big websites such as Google for instance, and some create their own websites to advertise affiliate programs. Others create their online affiliate income by using free blog sites, discussion forums, or social networking sites too.


Blogging is another excellent income opportunity that has become very popular in recent years. It doesn't cost a thing to get started when you use free blogging sites such as Blogger or WordPress, and there are several different opportunities for making income from a blog.

Many people who put up blogs earn their income from advertising. They simply place a small bit of code from Google on their site, and when visitors come to read the content at their blog, those visitors might click an ad. And when an ad gets clicked, the blogger earns money.

When a blog gets popular though, the blogger has other online income opportunities open up in the form of direct advertising. Instead of getting paid a little bit each time someone clicks an ad, the blogger might earn several hundred dollars just to put an ad on their pages.

Bloggers also have online income opportunities from selling products. They can create their own t-shirts or coffee mugs for instance, and earn money when those sell. They can also put up recommended books or other products, and earn sales commissions when visitors buy those products too.

3.AdSense Websites

One of the most popular online income opportunities is building simple, small, tightly focused specialty topic content websites. These are known as niche content websites, and they often feature just 5-10 pages of articles about a certain topic. Each of those pages though, has a Google AdSense block on it. So when visitors go to the website to read the content, if they click on an advertisement, the website owner earns money. Many website builders create lots of small sites like this, each earning just a few dollars a day.

5 Simple Steps to Build an Online Income Business Using Blogs

Do you want to work from the comfort of your home by just spending 1 or 2 hours a day and still earn a 4 figures income? With the help of a blog and a proven system, you definitely can do so.

The best thing about blogging is that you don’t need to be an expert in your industry; you don’t need to have a PhD or a master degree. All you need are the willingness to learn and to take action. Creating an online income business using blogs is not as complicated as you think.

By following through the 5 proven simple steps below, you are able to create an additional income stream from the comfort of your home…

1. Identify your market. You need to create a blog, but before you do that, you need to know what topic you are going to blog about. The best way for choosing a topic is to follow your instinct and blog about something that you love.

2. Next, build a blog. You can use either Blogger or WordPress. Just head over to Blogger.com now and create your very own blog. You can create your blog within 2 minutes; it is simple and easy to do.

3. After that, try to come up with good quality content that your market is looking for. The content in your blog is the main reason people are visiting your blog. Nobody is going to visit a blog that has nothing but crappy content. If you are serious in creating an online income business, you definitely need to learn how to create value for the people in your market by providing quality content.

4. Once you have content, you will then need traffic. You need visitors to visit your blog. If there are no visitors, you will never make any money. Traffic generation is not complicated, but it requires your action. Take the necessary action and traffic will come.

5. Finally, after you have quality content and traffic, you can start to monetize your blog. Insert offers from affiliate programs, put in Adsense advertising, write reviews, and sell advertising space and so on. This is the easiest step in all these 5 steps.

By following these 5 simple and proven strategies, you will be able to create an online income business that earns you money over and over again. Remember, action produces results, so take the first step now and don’t procrastinate.

Jan 8, 2009

Yahoo Cash 4 you

Yes, like many other on-line marketers Jason and we were once part of Google's "golden era". No doubt, Google was a true money making machine (up until December 2007).

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